Why is it always the pope and the jesuits?

9 months ago

Just a quick clip from a recent rant from the road, why do all of these world leaders and CEOs, even Elon Musk, go to visit the pope in Rome at the Vatican? Why has America completely forgotten the role of the jesuits? Far from being a charitable organization as the media depicts, they are the foot soldiers of Papal Rome, hell bent on world dominion, and destruction of their enemies .. Namely Protestantism and all of the blessings that came from the Reformation, including our Constitutional Republic.

Here's the link to that full discussion: https://youtu.be/OSQuoaxTDao?feature=shared

"Nightwatch N8" is the host of the Nightwatch Podcast. These Podcasts are created with painstaking attention in creating a unique audio landscape, with the intention of creating a fully submerged / subversive creative learning environment, so you can step out of your daily existence and step into another time and place.

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#revelation #pope #jesuits

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