The WHO Cover-up costing us the Earth - Film by Olga Sheean

8 months ago

Our world is about to change drastically. Once you understand what's going on and your part in it, I hope you will take action. The facts about wireless radiation have been very skillfully downplayed and covered up, causing many people to believe that it's not a problem. But once we know the truth, we can make more conscious choices. No industry can survive unless we support it, so our choices determine the way things go. If we don't take responsibility for our choices, instead expecting governments to handle things, we give them tremendous power. If we want our governments to be accountable to us, and if we want to regain control of our own lives, we must hold ourselves accountable for the way we are living. After all, if we continue to make choices that affect our health and our planet, how can we expect governments to fix things? And if we keep supporting harmful industries, why on earth would they stop giving us the products or services we pay them for? The truth is, we are the problem. Although, we are also the solution. Having said yes to smart devices for the sake of convenience underneath your life, we should not be surprised that we are being taken over by technology at the expense of our humanity. We must change if we want to stick around and turn things around. But we must also challenge those promoting harmful technologies, violating our human rights, and deliberately hiding the truth about what's going on. Top of this list is the World Health Organisation WHO, the United Nations organisation tasked with protecting global health and advising governments on related issues. Having worked for WHO and other United Nations organisations, I am aware of the politics involved and the corruption that can undermine the UN's many worthy causes. But WHO has seriously overstepped its bounds regarding wireless radiation promoting a cover-up that is literally costing us the earth. This radiation comes from Wi-Fi cell phones, cordless phones, cell towers, smart meters and other wireless devices and it has been scientifically proven to harm all forms of life. Most people do not feel this radiation and see no harm in using their wireless devices, nor do they see the wider implication of carrying a trackable, data-generating transmitter on their person.
Exposure to wireless radiation caused a brain tumour that completely changed my life. Millions of others are also experiencing wireless radiation sickness or electrosensitivity and many, like me, have spent many years and thousands of dollars trying to figure out what was making them ill, often being misdiagnosed, ridiculed by their doctors, or even treated as psychiatric cases before finally discovering that it was wireless radiation that was making them ill. Many more have yet to make that connection, suffering from the numerous conditions caused by wireless radiation or aggravated by it. They continue to suffer needlessly, thanks to WHO. When you understand the conflict of interest, the corruption, the trillions of dollars generated by the wireless industry, the industry campaigns to create doubt among the public, the industry-funded scientists that deny the scientific facts and claim no evidence of harm, the addictive nature of wireless gadgets, the marketing campaigns to make wireless connectivity look so enticing and so essential to our safety and economic development, the blanket surveillance, the data gathering and the phasing out of landlines, so there are no safe alternatives to cell phones, you begin to see what a masterful stitch -up this really is.
Let's look at what's going on within the World Health Organization and how it affects you. Within WHO there is a unit called the International EMF Project. It was established in 1996 to investigate detrimental health effects from exposure to the man-made electromagnetic fields including radio frequency microwave radiation from wireless devices. It is also supposed to facilitate the development of internationally acceptable standards limiting EMF exposure. But the EMF unit is an industry pawn. WHO may claim to be facilitating the development of supposedly safe standards and assessing scientific data, but the reality is something else altogether. It is deliberately hiding the truth, misinforming the public and devising utterly meaningless safety standards based on unfounded science. Its EMF project is also receiving funds from, and is staffed by, personnel who have worked for the very industry from which it is meant to protect us. WHO uses some very nasty tactics to distract us from the truth. On its website, it accuses those who have been harmed by wireless radiation of having psychiatric problems. I am one of those affected, but I am not mentally ill. The former director general of WHO, Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, a highly qualified medical doctor, has also been affected by this radiation and she resigned from WHO because it was affecting her health. She's not mentally ill either. Millions of others, doctors, CEOs, IT personnel, electricians, pilots, housewives, teachers, scientists, and countless other people are being similarly affected and we're seeing epidemics of many radiation-related conditions. Our world has never been so sick thanks to the World Health Organization. What is truly insane is the irradiation of people and planet. In supporting an industry that has no conscience, humanity, or regard for our health and in denying the diseases and environmental havoc it has caused, WHO is guilty of numerous crimes against humanity. In January 2017, I sent this document to three of the key players in this deadly game. The then director general of WHO, Dr. Margaret Chan, the head of the EMF project, Emilie Van Deventer, an electrical engineer with no medical qualifications, and Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, also an electrical engineer. The document exposed WHO's industry bias and its cover-up of the truth about wireless radiation, challenging the addressees to be accountable it went viral, reaching many thousands, but none of the addressees replied. They also failed to heed the hundreds of scientists, researchers, doctors, and activists who have documented the science and urged WHO to take the appropriate action. Now defying all logic, WHO is facilitating the deployment of 5 G, the latest generation of wireless telecom systems that will also be used for worldwide surveillance of our lives. This technology may be up to a hundred times faster ad much stronger than 2 G, 3 G or 4 G and will say scientists caused irreversible damage to our health and our planet. Over 80.000 people from 168 countries have signed the international appeal to stop 5 G on Earth and in space. The rollout of 5 G is causing a global outcry as more and more people realise what this radiation is costing us. This high -frequency millimetre radiation will raise electromagnetic pollution to alarming new levels, profoundly affecting our bodies and minds while destroying our protective mechanisms and natural rhythms, as well as affecting crops, insects, plants, trees, our environment, and our climate. With multiple 5 G microcells being installed in cities and residential areas it will be like having a cell tower right outside your window powerfully irraddiationg your home and everyone in it. Some scientists have referred to it as a kill grid. Rolling out 5 G is insane, says renowned scientist Dr Martin Pall, and doing so without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world. The argument is that 5 G will boost the global economy like never before. In reality, it will make millions more people sick and unable to work and will eventually cause the economy to crash. So don't be fooled by such arguments. 5 G will not boost the economy. It will ultimately decimate it. 5 G uses the same frequencies as stealth warfare weapons developed for crowd control, designed to cause rapid neurological and physiological damage. They are the perfect stealth weapon – silent, invisible, and potentially deadly. Despite having all the same attributes, however, wireless telecom systems have been rolled out unchecked. Many governments are aware of the dangers yet quote WHO's misinformation to further their own economic agendas, causing widespread illness, disease, pain, isolation, addiction, suicide, loss, and despair. They are also invading people's privacy and using personal data to monitor, exploit and control the population. Meanwhile, the technological takeover is creating a heartless, mercenary, data-driven surveillance society. It is a scientist, Joe Andriano, a silent war, a war waged with invisible emissions that people are so addicted to that they cannot see what is happening to them. Never have we been so connected via technology, yet so disconnected from ourselves, from nature, and from each other. If we all opened our hearts and our eyes to what we have done, the whole world would be crying. If 5 G satellites are launched into orbit in June 2019, and over 20.000 of them are planned over the next two years, it will be more than our bodies can handle. And you won't know what hit you because you won't see it coming. You won't know why you feel so ill, confused, lethargic, and many other things. Because this radiation scrambles the brain and dulls the senses, as I and many others experience when exposed to it. Wireless radiation is coming at us from countless overlapping sources, with no way of it being monitored or contained. The radiation is now completely out of control, and beyond anyone's control. You might as well try to define how much air you can hold in your hand. WHO's safety standards protect no one and endanger everyone by giving the illusion of safety. None of this makes sense to any intelligent person. You don't get the wireless industry itself documenting the dangers of wireless radiation, citing DNA damage and cancer, as Swisscom did in its 2003 international patent application if that radiation is harmless. You don't get hundreds of independent scientists, researchers, and doctors, petitioning WHO for protection against something harmful, if that something is harmless. You don't get cancer clusters around cell masks, millions of people worldwide getting similar symptoms, or teenagers getting sick from Wifi at school, with some even committing suicide, if the radiation is not harmful. You don't get some children developing the symptoms of autism and ADD when exposed to microwave radiation, and then recovering when they're no longer exposed, if that radiation is not affecting them. We need to ask ourselves some crucial questions. What is the point of having high-speed wireless connectivity if it makes you so ill you can barely function? If you have cancer, can't sleep, or think clearly, can't work, can't access healthcare, or even go shopping for food, do you think that checking your smartphone for likes will be a priority? Why are we not asking why? Why is there so much disease in our world? Why are we not seeing the bigger picture? Why are we not taking action to protect our health, safety, privacy, and natural environment? If technology runs our lives, we no longer do, and if the evolution of technology overrides the evolution of humanity, we will have eliminated ourselves from the equation. This cover-up is costing us the earth. Are you ready to say goodbye? We don't need more proof of harm. You could wallpaper the world with the studies confirming the harm caused by wireless radiation. Although it will seem tame when 5 G is added to the mix. But this is not about the science. As WHO knows only too well, it's about control and vast sums of money. With the rollout of 5 G becoming a race between superpowers vying for global domination, which could soon include space. If we continue to choose texting over talking, head over heart, commerce over conscience, addiction over personal autonomy, industry over humanity and technology over nature, well, unless you've lost your mind somewhere along the way, you can probably see where those choices are taking us. There is no negotiating with our planet. Wireless radiation is, quite simply, undermining our viability as a species and destroying life on earth. We must take responsibility. We must hold ourselves accountable for what is happening. We must hold ourselves accountable for our choices. And we must hold decision makers responsible for their cover-up of the truth.
You WHO must urgently do the following. Call for an immediate halt to the rollout of 5G. Call for a roll back of existing wireless systems and the development of healthy alternatives. Call for wireless telecom devices in public places and on commercial flights to be replaced with wired devices. Launch a global public awareness campaign that clearly spells out the proven dangers, the carcinogenic nature of this radiation, the symptoms, the multiple effects, and the many mental, behavioural, developmental disorders and addictions caused by excessive screen time and non -stop wireless radiation. wireless connectivity. Initiate health programs for those who have been harmed and rehabilitation programs for those who are seriously addicted to wireless devices. This is not about asking you to kindly do your job. It is about the cover-up that you have intentionally promoted, manipulating public opinion and the scientific findings so that the wireless industry could proceed unimpeded. You are guilty of crimes against humanity and the violation of almost every human right and UN Convention created to protect us. Every minute that you wait, every excuse you invent, every delaying tactic you use merely increases the cost to human life, to our precious environment and to the governments that will need to take the appropriate action. Any further delay will also greatly reduce the chances of recovery while exponentially increasing the challenges involved. You need to make a strong clear statement about what needs to happen, how it can be done and what is required to turn things around. You need to tell the truth about this radiation, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and you need to do it now!

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