South Park: The Stick of Truth - Full Arsenal Achievement

8 months ago

Achievement - Full Arsenal
Collect all the weapons and costumes available in the game.

You must acquire all 103 pieces of equipment/costumes. Then scroll over to the Collectibles tab, then scroll over to Equipment. Here you can see your status. The costume sets/equipment are acquired from a combination of looting them from drawers, bags, etc., looting them from knocked out bodies, getting them as quest rewards, and buying them from vendors. Note that, for example, the Witch Hat, Witch Robes and Witch Gloves do not count as 3 toward the 103 counter; you must collect all three pieces of a single costume to count as 1 toward the 103 counter, so don't be surprised if you collect a hat, robes or gloves and don't see your counter go up by 1.

Missable Equipment:

Stone Hammer — [Missable] On top of the C.I.A. building where the alien ship crashed.

Crutch of Weakness — [Missable] Obtained off of Jimmy after defeating him on the upper floor of the Giggling Donkey.

Gnome Pickaxe — [Missable] After viewing your parents getting intimate proceed to the next room. Go up the wires and to your right. Once you have defeated the 3 rats proceed to the next set of wires and it will be in the yellow pouch before you begin climbing them.

Mace of Restoration — [Missable] On your first visit inside the school after defeating the hallway monitor boss you must immediately use the key to unlock the nearby locker.

Master Razor — [Missable] During the Unplanned Parenthood visit you will have to go into a small hole using the Gnome Dust after being locked in the records room. Just below where the Gnome Nazi Zombies are there is a yellow pouch. It is located inside.

Alien Probe — [Missable] After lowering the forcefields it is in a purple chest to the left of the entrance to where Randy is held and you escaped from.

Vibroblade — [Missable] Nazi Zombie Bacteria inside Mr. Slave next to the iPhone that Big Gay Al calls on.

Alien Ray Gun — [Missable] Automatically obtained on the alien spaceship after defeating the first trio of aliens upon escaping from the probing machine. They are directly right of the room Randy is held in.

Basketball — [Missable] On one of the already defeated students inside the cafeteria upon your second visit to the school. To the right of the IN door.

Super Bouncy Ball! — [Missable] After entering the hole in your room climb up the first set of wires and it will be on the pouch to your right.

Broken Bottle — [Missable] Found on a hobo in the sewers where Cornwallis is found for Mr. Hankey. Near the “Shit Show 25c” box.
Note: Do not forget to pick it up from the hobo when you first find him, it’s said you cannot come back for it later, as it won’t be there.

Dodgeball — [Missable] During your first visit to the school you will have to obtain several sets of keys. This is located on one of the hall monitors in the group that has the brass key. (The first key you get)

Elvish Shortbow — [Missable] Obtained automatically after defeating the group of 3 elves in the basement of the giggling donkey after the lights are turned on.
Tip: Go to Jimmys House before it gets restored and locked. There was one of the Elves sitting in the corner scared, wouldn’t have seen him before as I used the environment. I whacked him and got the bow. Now have to re-play from just before Clydes tower till the end because Jimmys house is a no-go after the tower.

Lawn Dart — [Missable] Yellow Chest on the first floor of clyde’s fortress

Mongorian Bow — [Missable] On one of the mongolian children on the second floor of the Tower of Peace after ringing the gong.

Poison Grenade — [Missable] Inside of Unplanned Parenthood during the quest for the girls it will be in a drawer underneath the clock between the Records Room and Operating Room A.

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