South Park: The Stick of Truth - Chinpoko Loco Achievement

8 months ago

Achievement - Chinpoko Loco
Collect 15 Chinpokomon.

Chinpokomon are collectibles that can be obtained throughout the game. A decent amount however, are missable. If you are hoping to collect all of them, I've provided a list down below that separates the missable Chinpkomon. Please note that not every area of the game will be accessible right away.

1. Chu-Chu Nezumi - This is likely the first one you'll find; it's just west of Butters' house, in a tree.
2. Furrycat - East of Kyle's house next to some trees.
3. Monkay - Can be found in Butters' room, in the window.
4. Pengin - Sitting inside of Cartman's garage. You'll need the key to open it, which can be found by searching the drawers inside his house.
5. Gophermon - Resting in the Community Center's male bathroom. It's sitting in the west-most stall.
6. Sna-Kat - Located outside of City Hall, stuck in a tree.
7. Roo-Stor - This one is sitting inside of Professor Chaos' lair, at the U-Stor-It. You'll need to grab the key for this location from Butters' house.
8. Fatdactyl - Look at the front of the theater to find this one, it's on top of the ticket booth.
9. Brocorri - Near the Tower of Peace is a frozen lantern. You'll need to Cup-A-Spell at it to free the collectible.
10. Velocirapstar - Can be picked up from the west-most window from Token's house.
11. Flowerpotamus - Sitting on a shelf in Skeeter's Bar.
12. Rabbitech - Inside the Police Station's Evidence Room, on top of a shelf.
13. Lambtron - Can be found inside the Tower of Peace on the first floor to the east. You need to talk to Mr. Kim inside City Wok before you gain access to it.
14. Poodlesaurus - In a ceiling vent inside the school, just before the Cafeteria.
15. Vamporko - After you've obtained the probe, you can use this near the Basketball court next to the community center to gain access to the court. You'll find this guy inside there.
16. Gerbitoad - Next to Mr. Hankey's house, which is in the sewer.
17. Biebersaurus - Also in the sewer, however much further in. Will be found in the same area that contains the Crab Person.
18. Cosmonewt - Accessed by using the probe at Stark's Pond. From here you can teleport into an underwater alien ship, and this is where this guy is hiding.
19. Ferasnerf - Talk to Mr. Mackey in the Community Center to gain a quest from him. This will take you to his storage unit, and inside on the floor this can be found.
20. Donkeytron - Sitting inside the school's kitchen. Cup-A-Spell on a stove after turning on the gas to obtain it.
21. Stegmata - Inside Kyle's garage, you need to grab the key from his parents' room.
22. Accountafish - Inside the News Office building, which requires a key found inside the Post Office. Once inside, there's a grate that can be smashed. You can then enter through the opening after shrinking down with Gnome Dust.
23. Terribovine - Outside the coffee shop, under a bench. You need to use Gnome Dust to get to it.
24. Mouse-Tik - Inside the girls' meeting room.

25. Roidrat - In the attic at the Giggling Donkey (Jimmy's house). You'll come through here after rescuing Kenny. Do not leave this area until you've picked it up.
26. Beetlebot - During the alien abduction, you will save Randy Marsh. You'll then enter a room where you can find a white power crystal. East of this in the same room are a bunch of monitors, and this one sits perched upon them.
27. Gunrilla - While you're investigating the new Taco Bell, you'll be tasked with picking up a voice recorder. In the same room is this Chinpokomon, on top of a filing cabinet.
28. Pterdaken - While attacking the school, you should eventually find Token. Next to him is a locker you can open, and shoot this plush out of.
29. Fetuswami - Appropriately found during the events inside the Unplanned Parenthood clinic. Once you come upon an auto-turret, you can see this collectible next to it. You have to blow up a grenade and take the new passage to collect it.
30. Shoe - You can find this by using a probe before entering the area where you'll fight Craig. In the area before Craig, you'll have to raise the gate by turning two wheels in separate towers. In the middle of these towers is a third, which you access by using the probe.

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