counting down the days till they try to kill me my own Government and in the State I love

9 months ago

was born a Texan it's hard to know that as an American the government can do whatever and say anything about anyone nothing even true or fact and you a terrorist or IRS or Railroad Commission.....I'm poor and thats the perfect slave they've always used one way or another. Well America I personally will not walk back or be taken back to slavery and will gladly stand up by myself alone and peacefully defend myself and Defend America from this constitution trashing Evil plan even if they say check mate. Howdy I'm HC y'all never got to actually know me. I'm a good guy fellas and help people and protect them because that is where GOD Has put me throughout my life. The hardest "Lived Individual" you could mess up and try shady tactics. Lie it up you've poisoned us with radiation tried kidnapping us more than once and were building something above an apt we were at staying for a funeral how'd they know we were gonna end up there.....They plan and research and will kill loved ones to get you in situations they want. They did that and I give my word they used lies and premeditated situations to get their way here too. If GOD willing I stay alive if it's God's purpose and plan then I'll prove it have so much evidence I've stashed and passed using every way I know to get info out when all is surveilled hopefully enough got out that someone can prove it once they lose this coupe against the people of America. The only privilege I have is God put me here That I can truthfully say🙌🙏I'm a Black Sheep III% I LOVE TEXAS ITS PEOPLE AND MY AMERICA. Foreign Nationals is What our government says. All I say is The British are Coming!!!! Foreign Army is here Foreign Army is here. Hi I'm HC and will stand peacefully until a hand of aggression is shown. I haven't seen warrants no call mail or dispatch just in the dark back courts that'll do their bidding not even allowed to defend or say anything in a court for myself no litigation defense nothing. Fisa and death because ya got a crackhead to say what ya told em I guess. No Honor, No Integrity, Just spit on those that bleed and sacrificed for the Governments greed. Well if I die by illegal unconstitutional evil. I fight against every single thing you lied to Americans about and against all the evil you are trying to implement soon may God be with me I trust in God and myself to do right not wrong while their is breathe in my lungs. May God shine light upon us and let everyone see from Hawaii to new York and let the good awaken and the Belief in us for you are in us all.... I was not shaken by fear as COVID was used and no matter my bodies actions Let God steady my soul and ready it fore with your guidance and thy will be done. I love all Y'all im HC and will sit back this me Saying my favorite quote from Tom Stone "Say When" y'all gotta stop or kill me over your lies to get your way. Evil can't ever win guys. It just won't because it's wrong....Freedom is Love, Patriotism, Hard Work, Perseverance, Second chances, Second Amendment and The 1st amendment goes that's what the 2nd one is for......Pray for me and my family they truly have put us through Soo much and every prayer will help ty..... .....HC out

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