the nineties was the last era of real art hence why we are stuck there

7 months ago

i used to work at mcds back in the day
everything looks like a prison now, i wonder why
they bitch about race cos they lack a personality
everything is a carbon copy it seems
there needs to be a genre entirely devoted to drug use
disorganized schizos are just way more fun
self-acceptance is the key to happiness
those that think that this channel is for attention clearly don't watch much of it
i don't think i need to be concerned w/ not putting out enough content
we can't all be flip phone savvy
plenty of authentic people have a smartphone so...
boring people don't deserve bad things to happen to them
the sheep get their sources from the fake news
if that were required reading this world would be way different
a psychiatrist wrote this one all about medical tyranny
not being in a relationship is ideal
never expect diddley squat from this world

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