“There's No Gaza Genocide” - IDF has protected civilians better than any army in history” -RFK Jr

6 months ago

Full: https://rumble.com/v4vdoae-rfk-jr-the-2024-election-saving-the-country-and-the-israelhamas-war-russel-.html?mref=1bxo9j&mc=69gy3

short https://youtube.com/shorts/JQjS8ogMAuU


I don't believe that there's a genocide going on, and I don't think Israel's intention is genocide.

I don't believe there's any evidence of genocide.
There is genocide going on in the Mideast, but it's a genocide of Jews and it's a genocide of Christians.

And nobody's complaining about it for some reason.
And they're much worse wars than what's happening in Gaza right now.

But some, but for some reason people don't want to complain.
Unless it's Jews who are who can be blamed.

And Yemen, I think there's almost 200,000 kids who've been killed in Yemen and civilian, the UAE and the Saudis and the other groups that are perpetuating that war with US support.

Are specifically targeting civilian populations with bombs and armaments and nobody complaints the who are you know who are being destroyed and eradicated in a genocide in China, the same thing that what's happening at .

In Syria... there are genocides all over the world.
But what we're seeing in Gaza is not.
I mean that.

Let me just point out something.
There were 750,000 Palestinians in 1947 during when the Palestinians declared war on on Israel said we do not want an Israel state of any size in the Mideast.

And they invited six other nations to join them and 750,000 Palestinians left.
They left for a variety of reasons.
The Arab League, the, you know the group that was making war on Israel told them to leave, to get out of the war zone so that they could eradicate the Jews and then everybody could come back.

Those Palestinians are now numbered which were 740,000 in 1948 are now 7.2 million.
So if the Israelis are doing genocide they're not good at it.

Now contrast that with what happened in the other nations in the Mideast in 1948 simultaneously that all the Palestinians 750,000 Palestinians were leaving Israel during a war.

Almost a million, about 950,000 Jews were expelled from the Mideast and this is a genocide that's continuing today, this continues.

They've been there for 2000 years and and Israel took them in, mainly Israel, the United States Israel's taken in 3,000,000 refugees.

The surrounding Arab nations, which are 600 times the size of Israel, have a population 60 times that size and lots of open land, lots of tremendous wealth, refused to take in the Palestinians who they had driven out.

So you know the idea of saying that there's a genocide going on in Israel because you know, people die in war. In every war that's going on today there are civilians dying.

And the average death rate, civilian to combatant death rate according to the United Nations and to the Institute for the Study of Urban Warfare at West Point is about 9 to 1. In Gaza it's about 1 to 1.

So the they've achieved a better they protect it in the most challenging conditions the Israeli government had, the IDF has protected civilians better than any Army in history, John Spencer said it has done more to protect civilians under more difficult circumstances than any army in history.

So you know I think that there's an argument, you know they the people who are saying that this is a genocide.
It's it's not any, it's just not accurate.

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