John Q. Public - Historical Investigations Season 1 Episode 3: CCM 1777

7 months ago

Historical Investigation into the Cumberland County Militia conceived from the Pennsylvania Militia Act of 17 March 1777. Who were they and what did they do?

Special thanks to the following:

The Augustus Lutheran Church

ALC - Church Historian, Mr. Patrick O’Hara.

Mike Zarret of Bloomsburg Towne Camera

D. Stokes Piercy, Professor of Film, ETSU (Editing)

The Jacobsburg Historical Society of Nazareth, PA

1802 color of the 1st Pennsylvania Regiment.

The Music utilized in the video is not mine:

The Hessian Dragoons March - The Colonial Williamsburg Fife and Drums

Lied der hessischen Soeldner in Amerika, (A Song of the Hessian Soldier in America) - Wolfgang Roth

We Were Soldiers - SGT MacKenzie

Reference Material

Article: The Pennsylvania Militia in 1777 by Hannah Benner Roach, 1964, The Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine.

Book: The Journals of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg Volume III, 1958.

Book: The Old Trappe Church, A Memorial of the Sesqui-Centennial Series of Augustus Lutheran Church, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 1894.

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