Virtue Signaling of the Dark & Light

9 months ago

In this video, I talk about how in the allopathic system - and every other system that has been designed or infiltrated by the dark side, when they "rescue you," they always include a "virtue signal" - at least from Lucifer or the dark side's perspective. (It gives them virtuous, often massive quantities of loosh, tons of money, narcissistic supply, control and even cyborg slaves!) The rescue will usually always include "side effects," such as taking all of your money when they kill you with chemotherapy, for an extreme example. Who do you trust? Even the ambulance must cause hearing damage when rescuing folks - hence the idea for this video came to me years before I made videos in the form of a question. "Why do they have to cause hearing damage when saving lives - apart from the obvious excuses -?" And the answer I got was, it is a sign of who is doing the saving.
Because _almost_ every time a system controlled by the dark ones rescues you there is going to be a "price" - a "heavy price," or bad side effects - which I've told doctors are direct effects. Usually, what they sell on the big pharm are very poisonous and also addictive.

I contrast that with the fact that natural healing is often free and usually gives you no side effects. You simply must have the discipline to learn how to use them. I mention the truly necessary pain in life (before and after the system's collapse,) will really mean having a lot of discipline, tenacity, endurance and grit - to learn a skill, or whatever is in your blueprint, and become sovereign within the plan.

I first heard the term 'virtue signaling' from Alex Jones when he was saying some people wore the mask (after the mandates were removed,) just to "appear virtuous."
This got me to the concept of what deities, or jr gods and our prime creator would utilize as 'virtue signals?' The Sun would be a divine healing agent with an Icarus myth. Like, "Bathe in my glory, but do not go too long or I will burn you." Again, discipline is necessary, but beyond that - a_lot of the pain and false virtues are redundant and masochistic! Stockholm syndrome is out! Enjoy, folks! Peace

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