International Public Notice: This Is What They Do to Hide Their Crimes By Anna Von Reitz

9 months ago

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Article 4817 Video - International Public Notice: This Is What They Do to Hide Their Crimes - Wednesday, May 15, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We see tonight that instead of accepting the inevitable reckoning that is due for their financial crime, the usual Suspects are "at it"
again, rattling sabers and moving troops--- mercenary troops--- and making plans to start World War III against both China and Russia.

And they plan to charge the cost of this in blood and in assets and credit to you.

Yes, these people claiming to be your "representatives" are planning to charge you for the "service" of starting World War III, so they can
make money on war-for-profit and keep your attention focused away from
their financial crimes against you.

They have done it twice before.

World War I covered the phony bankruptcy of the Scottish Commercial
Corporation doing business as "The United States of America,

World War II covered the phony bankruptcies of the Delaware
Corporation doing business as "the United States of America,
Incorporated" and "E Pluribus Unum the United States of America" and
half a dozen others.

They think you are all stupid enough to fall for it a third time. They
think that their joint corporate bankruptcies can be shoved under the
rug and the American people will just take it in the crotch a third

Their propaganda mills are already ginned up and running in Britain
and in Germany, but remember--- those "governments" are actually just
franchises of the U.S. Inc. and also remember that those countries
are occupied by unwitting mercenaries employed by the U.S., Inc.

And remember that any such war is illegal by definition and is not
covered under their contracts, which clearly stipulate that their role
is defensive only and applies only to this country.

The days of them engaging in war-for-profit all over the world and
sending the bill for it to us, are over and done.

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