King Charles III Campaigns For Antichrist

9 months ago

King Charles III unveiled his portrait on May 14, 2024 to an amazed crowd.
"In the painting, the King can be seen standing in his Welsh Guards uniform with a sword in his hand and a butterfly on his shoulder, while the whole canvas is awash in a deep red colour." Lettice Bromovsky
Comments ranged from:
“It looks Satanic!”
“Hideous, looks like he is burning in hell”
"with his face and body emerging from a striking, ghoulish-looking red miasma"
You may ignore the Baphomet Message King Charles III is sending, but it's there nonetheless.
It's our feeling that they are telegraphing a message of upcoming Fifth Seal symbolism of persecution, and martyrdom awash in blood. It's beastly like the Revelation 13 "Right Hand" and "Forehead" symbolism message.
Also it forces everyone — great and small, rich and poor, free and slave — to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead preventing anyone from buying or selling unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. Rev. 13:14-17
Let's examine this satanic portrait and related Bible verses, okay?

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