Ep. 34 - The Bible Isn't Spiritual, It's Inter-dimensional - With Josh Peck

9 months ago

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The conversation explores the concept of dimensions and how they relate to interdimensional interactions in the Bible. The hosts discuss examples such as Jesus appearing in closed rooms and Ezekiel's vision, where extradimensional unfolding is described. They emphasize the importance of understanding dimensions and how they can provide answers to questions about supernatural phenomena. The conversation also highlights the need for Christians to engage with these topics and provide satisfactory answers to prevent people from seeking answers elsewhere. In this part of the conversation, Ben discusses the concept of dimensions and how they relate to angels, demons, and human beings. He suggests that human beings may be like cubes experiencing a two-dimensional world, while angels have the ability to access different dimensions. He also explores the idea that the Garden of Eden may have been a meeting point between dimensions, and that the Tree of Life could have imparted immortality in a higher dimension. Ben emphasizes the importance of understanding these concepts within the framework of biblical teachings and warns against the dangers of delving into the occult or New Age practices. In this final part of the conversation, Ben and Josh discuss the concept of time in higher dimensions and the creation of souls. They explore the idea that our souls are created at the moment of conception, along with our physical bodies. They also touch on the topic of the multiverse and the possibility of other dimensions existing. They discuss the role of God in creating and governing these dimensions, and how His love for us is demonstrated through the sacrifice of Jesus. The conversation ends with a teaser for future discussions on the New Age movement and the journey back to Christianity.

Josh Peck's Intro
Understanding Dimensions
Ezekiel Is Interdimensional
Interdimensional Phenomena in the Bible
Its the Nature of Reality
Limitations Om Human Perception
Angels and Demons are Interdimensional
Eden Was Interdimensional
How Souls Are Created
God Governs All Dimensions
The Love of God In Jesus
Dimensions and the Multiverse
It Should All Lead To Faith In Jesus

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