Abortion Provider Urges Vote NO on Proposition 1 - Killing Viable, Healthy Babies Is A "Monstrosity"

4 months ago


Pro-Choice Dr. Forrest O. Smith, OB/GYN and Abortion Provider for 53 Years, Opposes Proposition 1 For Legalizing Abortions of Viable, Healthy Babies Up To Birth in New Ad

Contact: David Daleiden, media@centerformedicalprogress.org, 949.734.0859

IRVINE, Nov. 1—Dr. Forrest O. Smith, a pro-choice OB/GYN and the longest-continuously practicing abortion provider in America, urges Californians to vote No on Proposition 1 in a new ad series by The Center for Medical Progress. Proposition 1 will overrule existing California abortion laws to expand late-term abortions on healthy, viable babies through a full 9 months of pregnancy.

In the full version of the advertisement, pro-choice Dr. Smith explains that existing California law already “guarantees the right to abortion but only to the age of fetal viability, which means the age at which the baby can live outside of the mother’s body.” Dr. Smith urges Californians to vote No on Proposition 1 because, “Proposition 1 is really just the same 2003 law, but with the fetal viability clause eliminated. If Proposition 1 is put in our state constitution, abortion doctors will have a right to legally kill viable and healthy babies up to the moment of birth.”

The existing California Reproductive Privacy Act of 2003 limits abortion to “before the viability of the fetus.” The text of Proposition 1, however, embeds a “fundamental right to choose to have an abortion” without any limits or qualifications about viability of the fetus.

“No matter how you feel about abortion, whether you are a pro-lifer or a pro-choicer, what Proposition 1 will do is legalize the killing of viable, healthy babies, and that is the moral monstrosity that we cannot allow into our state constitution. Please join me in voting No on Proposition 1 on November 8th,” Dr. Smith concludes.

Dr. Smith began providing abortions during his residency at Duke University in 1970, and has been in abortion practice continuously since then, providing OB/GYN and abortion care in California for the past several decades. Dr. Smith has also served as a medical expert for CMP, providing testimony in lawsuits by Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation.

“Proposition 1’s taxpayer-funded expansion of late-term abortion on healthy, viable infants, through a full nine months of pregnancy, is so extreme that even committed California abortion providers are coming out against it,” notes David Daleiden, founder and president of The Center for Medical Progress. “Through strategic digital media placements, we hope to reach up to 1 million Californians by election day with the message that Proposition 1 goes too far.”

CMP is also running ads with its undercover reporting on the illegal sale of fetal body parts in California, urging Californians to vote No on Proposition 1’s extreme taxpayer-funded expansion of late-term abortion.


Watch the advertisements here:

Dr. Smith full ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jran-vFOSxg
Dr. Smith short ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPHgYQd0drY
CMP short ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtC-7WWcw-c

Learn more about CMP here: centerformedicalprogress.org

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