It Is Stanky

5 months ago

The state of our union is “stanky” as evil is prevalent and lawlessness is throwing up the stank all over our lives. Sometimes it is so bad you feel like you can’t take another moment.

One thing I know, God never leaves us without a solution. God is the Fixer.
How did we get here? Why are we here in times such as these where life is so culturally stanky?

I know no one wants to hear this, but we are right where we are supposed to be and if we find ourselves backed up at the Red Sea with mountains on one side and desert on the other and no where to escape as the enemy approaches, we can’t say God did not bring us to a time such as this so He could show His glory.

There they were, the Israelites, backed up at the Red Sea with a ferocious enemy, large in number charging towards them. I am sure they thought that life would be over soon. BUT GOD had a plan for putting them right there. God opened that sea, the Israelites went across safely to the other side and when the enemy started to cross, the water came down upon them and they all drowned. Think about that…
So when you are complaining when things get a bit “stanky” in our corrupting culture, remember what God can do and remember that you are purposefully right there, where you should be. God will refresh your soul. Remember this world has its troubles but God has overcome the world. God’s not done. God’s not done until He ends it well. God Wins.

Dig Deeper:
Read Exodus 13-14 To See What God Can Do

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