9 months ago

The Lord Is My Shepherd
I was just having a conversation with the Lord and He with me and asked if there was anything He wanted to share with the public and then He gave me this. I have not gone on sites to look at other prophetic words, dreams or visions in a long time. Father has pulled me away from all of this. Here is His Word:

My child, my hand shall fall on the wicked. They are very smug as they believe themselves to be above Me; gods unto themselves. I created the heavens and the earth and all that is therein. No man is sovereign! There is only one Lord and I only control all things.

My child, Trump shall be vindicated and this will cause an uproar in this nation as I bring the proud low. They, in turn, will plot again and resort to Plan B to dispose of President Trump. All will come to pass in My timing. I will expose all to the world.

There are six, no seven things I hate:

A proud look
A lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations
Feet that be swift in running to mischief
A false witness that speaketh lies
And he that soweth discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:16-19 KJV)

I will shake the nations. All will know I am the Lord. I WILL be exalted in the earth once again. My Name, My words have been removed but I am not a God that sleeps nor do I slumber like most of My children are doing. I will roar from the highest mountain and all will Fear Me. The fear of the Lord has been removed from My people but as I shake the nations, many shall confess and return with fear and trembling. They will then know I am who I say I am.

My child, the lawless continue to plot, scheme and plan and most are playing right into their agenda. Child, these are uncertain times, evil times and good is considered to be evil but evil is called good. These are the last times so hold fast to My Word, stay close to Me for I have you in the shelter of My wings.

Tell all those who are Mine they have nothing to fear for I have them. I am your defender, your shield, your protector. Let no fear enter into your hearts lest the enemy gains a foothold. Stay strong My little flock. I will never leave nor forsake My own. I say “do not look to man for man can do nothing”. Keep your eyes on things above and not below. Store your treasures in heaven for this world will pass away sooner than you know.

To those who do not know Me, I offer a gift of salvation if you call upon My Name, believe that I am and accept Me as Lord & Savior; then like the thief on the cross you too will be with Me in paradise. Repent for I will come quickly and My reward will be with Me. Do not delay; time is getting shorter every day. Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

I speak to all who know Me, you must walk in complete faith to Me during the days ahead and complete obedience to wherever I instruct you to go. If I say go, you go. If I say stay, you stay. Do not get ahead of Me and walk out of My will. Spend time with Me and I will speak to you.

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