How To End the Drug War for Good | Kat Murti | The Reason Interview With Nick Gillespie

9 months ago

The head of Students for Sensible Drug Policy clarifies the misconceptions around decriminalization, safe injection sites, and whether Trump or Biden is better on drug policy.
Today's guest is Kat Murti, the new executive director of Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP), the country's oldest and most influential student group challenging the war on drugs. Before taking the helm at SSDP, Kat was a longtime staffer at the libertarian Cato Institute, a founder of Feminists for Liberty, and an SSDP chapter head at the University of California, Berkeley, where she attended undergrad. Reason's Nick Gillespie talks with Murti about the role that young people in particular can play in ending prohibition, why marijuana has yet to be legalized at the federal level, and whether Donald Trump and Republicans or Joe Biden and Democrats are actually worse when it comes to drug policy reform.

This interview was taped live at an event cosponsored by The Psychedelic Assembly in midtown Manhattan.


00:02:03—What is Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP)?

00:05:59—The Drug War is far from over

00:08:45—Don't let politicians get away with empty legalization promises

00:10:45—What's the best legalization model?

00:16:26—How do we activate the youth vote?

00:19:10—Harm reduction vs. prohibition

00:22:51—Drug education and safety

00:26:33—ALL of us are on drugs

00:27:17—The Rat Park Experiment

00:29:30—How to make safe injection sites Work

00:34:48—SSDP & psychedelics

00:40:50—Shifting attitudes toward drug legalization

00:46:45—Kat Murti's career in drug policy

00:49:19—How to pursue drug policy wins despite polarization

00:51:19—Audience Q&A

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