Harvard, Princeton Both Cave To Hamas Sympathizers In The Name Of 'Restorative Justice'

4 months ago

More than a dozen Princeton University faculty members dramatically announced today that they will undertake a solidarity hunger strike for a full 24 hours to show their support for some of the anti-Israeli students that are also on hunger strike.

President Eisgruber announces that students arrested for participating in the Princeton encampment will be offered a “restorative justice” process to “rapidly conclude the University disciplinary process, making it possible for the students to join Commencement.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNfefmrWUAAVDfl?format=jpg&name=medium

The Harvard encampment has just ended. Do you want to see Harvard’s antisemitism in real time? Harvard has agreed with almost all of their demands. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNinceDWUAAIPQZ?format=jpg&name=900x900

• More at: Twitchy - Harvard, Princeton Both Cave to Hamas Sympathizers in the Name of 'Restorative Justice'

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