NT Greek Lecture #6: Basics of Biblical Greek workbook, Bill Mounce, Chapter 9 & Chapters 6-9 Review

8 months ago

Lecture #6 in New Testament or Koine Greek; first year Greek at a college or seminary level taught by independent Baptist professor Thomas Ross. Bill Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek (BBG) workbook chapter 9 is reviewed, covering "Adjectives." All exercises are translated, including the additional exercises. Furthermore, the "Chapters 6-9" review in William Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek workbook is completed. Greek grammar from the first six noun rules, to predicate and attributive adjectives, to case ending paradigms, and parsing is reviewed. Finally, 1 John 4:1-6 is translated and commented upon. In conjunction with the translation of the passage, the significance of the command to "try the spirits {dokimadzete ta pneumata)" is examined for Biblical demonology. Much of modern demonology and the practice of exorcism does not come from Scripture alone, but from books such as John A. MacMillan's The Authority of The Believer, which was adopted by Keswick and by the Word of Faith movement. Practices such as naming demons and casting them out one by one are examined in light of 1 John 4:1-6, and the question of whether true believers can be demon possessed / demonized is answered--the answer is a clear "no"! Also, the question of the one future Antichrist and the "many antichrists" of 1 John 4 is commented upon. The future Antichrist is a political world ruler, but the many antichrists would include people who combine political and spiritual error such as the Roman Catholic Pope. The professor and students use the Greek Received Text (TR) when it varies from the United Bible Society (UBS) critical Greek text employed by Mounce.

The FaithSaves website's section on college courses contains course syllabi, handouts, and other important material for taking this course.

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