[2024-05-14] My videographic memory_POV of the 'fight' 🤣🖕🏿 UMAD [rqJC4ljSe3Q]

9 months ago

One of the easier scuffles in my life. Not in the top 10 that's for sure. Here's what happened.\n\n--\n\nNOTE: FOR MORE FUN... PLAY ANY VERSION OF THE VIDEO AT 0.25x SPEED! You'll appreciate the Windmill Punch technique a lot more. This was EASY. Typical gas station fight to me. Too bad they didn't call the tap though, even when people said it out loud. All good. Out-skilled regardless. God Himself also knows who actually won, and I was also as merciful to him as God was. Fun times. Imagine if there was no rules and nobody to stop me from making him sleep. Fuck a timer lol real life is a lot different.

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