Guru Nanak's own son (Sri Chand) REJECTED Sikhism. Castism & The Radical Sikh Gurdwaras Act 1925

9 months ago

In this video, 3 topics are discussed. Guru Nanaks own son rejects his daddies new religion. Later, he was thrown out of Sikhism. Second topic, castes and finally the Gurdwara Act 1925.

ਪ੝ਤ੝ਰੀ ਕਉਲ੝ ਨ ਪਾਲਿਓ ਕਰਿ ਪੀਰਹ੝ ਕੰਨ੝ਹ੝ਹ ਮ੝ਰਟੀਝ ॥
Nanak's sons did not obey His Word; they turned their backs on Him as Guru.
In Guru Granth Sahib on page 967, Satta and Balwand state that the sons of Nanak did not follow the path of their father
and that they "turned his ear" against the "ambrosial path" of Nanak i.e against Gurmat (Guru's way)
and wandered along other paths, so they were not chosen as his successor or as teachers of Gurmat, but Bhai Lehna was
puqRI kaulu n pwilE kir pIrhu kMn@ murtIAY ]
putree kaul na paalio kar peerahu ka(n)n(h) muraTeeaai ||
His sons did not obey His Word; they turned their backs on Him as Guru.

Sects of Sikhism are sub-traditions within Sikhism that believe in an alternate lineage of Gurus, or have a different interpretation of the Sikh scriptures, or believe in following a living guru, or other concepts that differ from the orthodox

Legislative laws were introduced, such as the Sikh Gurdwaras 1925 Act by the Akali movement..
Which rejected low caste Hindus into congregational prays for simply being “low born” , this was later abolished in 1920
(this is not taught in mainstream),_1925

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