8 months ago

HOMETOWN DC docu-series is a look back at growing up in Washington, DC produced by V
(DJ-REK) Bennett features many of the dynamic people who crossed paths in the city and blended their knowledge, art, expression, blood sweat, and tears to create a dynamic renaissance of the 1990s.

HOMETOWN DC is a humanizing look at how people under pressure exuded love and hope that transcended economic class, race, and gender and can only be told best by the people that were there. If you remember Club Retaliation, Exodus, Kafa House, Cool Disco Dan, Ser-Rek, and The Hoods of Art Crew, then you won't want to miss it.

If you would like to support this docu-series, spread the word about HOMETOWN DC.
Merch: https://azonto-apparel.online/collect...
Donate to the production at: PayPal.me/vdmmedia

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