May 15 - 2 Samuel 13-15 - 2024 Bible Study

10 months ago

Our Chronological Bible reading plan for May 15, 2024 is 2 Samuel 13-15.

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We are believers of Jesus reading and studying the Bible together in chronological order. This video podcast is a chronological Bible study companion. If you are interested in chronological Bible study, the Bible In Order podcast is for you! We provide daily Bible study devotions to compliment your Daily Bible reading / Chronological Bible Reading in a year guide.

In this conversation, David Doty reflects on the story of David in 2 Samuel chapters 13-15. He highlights the imperfections of David and the consequences of his actions, particularly in relation to his children. David wonders what David's biggest regret would be and emphasizes the importance of seeking justice and consulting the Holy Spirit. He also discusses the role of Joab in trying to sort out the conflicts and confrontations. David encourages listeners to learn from the mistakes of the past and have willing hearts to do what God calls them to do.

Even those who are beloved by God and have great accomplishments can still have imperfections and make mistakes.
Seeking justice and consulting the Holy Spirit are important in making decisions and dealing with conflicts.
Having difficult conversations, especially with loved ones, is crucial for resolving issues.
Learning from the mistakes of the past and having a willing heart to do what God calls us to do is important for personal growth.

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