Uncovering the Unexplained: 7 Shocking Cases of Time Travel!

9 months ago

"From the strange time traveler John Titor, to top secret government projects; these are 7 MYSTERIOUS Cases of Time Travel !

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7.John Titor | The Man from 2036

As unbelievable as it sounds, this is the original post that started one of the best and most interesting time travel cases ever. And yes, there are pictures !

John Titor claimed to be a time traveler from the year 2036. Working for the U.S. Military, Titor had one simple task, acquire an IBM 5100 computer. A peculiar computer from the 1970s that could debug old code.

In the future, humans had not prepared well for the UNIX year 2038 problem, much like the Y2K problem, the Y2038 problem deals with time keeping and computers. This graphic explains very simply what would happen.

Not to get too technical, but we still haven’t come up with a good way to actually fix the Y2038 problem.

The backstory behind John Titor’s need to travel back in time actually makes a lot of sense.

John Titor disappeared from our world sometime in 2002, but his time travel stories live on. What are your thoughts on this guy? Was he for real? Would you change your mind if I told you that John Titor is a registered trademark in the US? Or that the Florida based “John Titor Foundation” published a book about the subject ?

6.The Man from Taured | A suspicious traveler

On a hot summers day in 1954, a seemingly regular man on a business trip was detained by officials at the Tokyo Airport in Japan. The reason for the detainment however, was not so regular.

The man had a passport from the European country of Taured, which, believe it or not, doesn’t exist, and has never existed. At first officials thought it was a simple mistake, but the more they questioned the man, the stranger the story got.

He claimed that his country of origin had existed for over a 1000 years, he provided his passport as proof. It was filled with visa stamps, including ones from Japan. When they gave him a map to point out Taured on, he was infuriated that his country was missing.

Japanese officials gave the mysterious traveler a hotel room for the night, by the next morning, he had disappeared, along with his passport and belongings.

The story of the man from Taured originated in the book “The Directory of Possibilities”, published in 1981. There are many theories about this strange event, the main one being that the man had accidentally traveled across space and time from an alternate dimension.

Likely? Not really. Unnerving ? yes.

5.The Philadelphia Experiment | Hidden in Plain Sight

4. Caught on Tape | various time travelers

3. The Montauk Project | Seeing is believing

This is yet another conspiracy involving nefarious projects of the U.S. Military, this time it's the Air Force.

It is said that Camp Hero, located inside the Montauk Air Force Station on Long Island was the epicenter for groundbreaking exotic research into time travel. Closely related to the Philadelphia Experiment, the Montauk Project has also been denied by everyone in the government.

It is believed that researchers from the Philadelphia Experiment had to wait about 10 years or so before they could continue their experiments with time travel. It is important to note that this was not the last time Montauk was mentioned by alternative science. Let me remind you of the Montauk Monster, the unidentified cryptid that has scared many children watching youtube videos at 11pm on a school night.

2.Andrew Carlssin | the day trader

As reported in the most reputable of sources, the Weekly World News and later picked up by Yahoo! News, the story of Andrew Carlssin is somewhat far fetched.

In March of 2003, the SEC arrested Andrew for suspicion of insider trading, he somehow managed to turn an 800 dollar investment into $350 million. How did he do it? Time travel, thats how.

Andrew confessed to authorities that he traveled back in time from the year 2203 and in exchange for his freedom

Unfortunately, the Weekly World News paper dabbles in satire, to put it mildly. Why Yahoo News picked up the story, no one knows.

1.Project Pegasus |

0. The Bogdanoff Affair | Who controls the world ?

Before we go, there was no way I would not include the enigmatic Bogdanoff Twins, the French pair have become quite the meme, especially in some cryptocurrency circles.

Back in the day, they were accused of BSing their PhD writings, but, is it possible that it was all a conspiracy from the science community and the powers that be to hide the truth behind the Big Bang, time travel and immortality ?

Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff are believed to have a time machine which they use to control the market, influence global events and generally mess with theoretical physics. Next time someone asks you who controls the world, let them know its none other than the Bogdanoff Twins. BOG"

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