hopefully whatever you do works for you

4 months ago

let's attempt an actual song
this is so cut throat honest, it makes me so sad n so grateful to God that i can get this outta myself
even if i'm the only one laughing, at least i had fun
i can't wait for you to go away so i can say what i need to say
sometimes i'm still bothered by the way that i am but oh well
i wonder if it's a sin but the guilt don't help
everyone's way to concerned about all the wrong things
the why n the how will drag you down
thinking about stuff ain't profound, so what
are you surprised that i like tori amos
i like all the crazy women
i finally understood the meaning of that lyric haha
it's funny how long i had to listen to the same song/bit/movie scene to really get it
how many x must i do the same terrible thing in order to realize that it's terrible
i wish i could be what you needed me to be
don't be offended by my need to be free
it's just the way it is until it's not that way anymore
nobody seems to have any intention of knowing themselves
and yet another side rant about technology
sometimes i wish i could cook n clean n be the thing that you want so bad that you watch porn to get
you best believe that i can cry like a damn woman hahahaha
i got the empathy part right at least
now's the time to empathize cos people are all kindza duragatory terms
instead of running away from that part of myself i'm gonna run towards it cos i trust God

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