ENG-Anon with Lewis Herms - Spiritual and Situational Awareness in May 2024

7 months ago

(Note: Please excuse the first 9 or so minutes - we had technical difficulties - it seems that some nefarious force didn't want Lewis and me to talk today!! The light won, and we resumed via telephone, so please pardon the audio quality)

Discussion with Lewis Herms about the need for us to be a responsible, self-respecting species in this time of the unknown and the known. Be spiritual, and be close to God, finding your own solace and being happy with what we do have. More events are on their way, some good - like the solar flash, and some a bit scary - to awaken the "immovable" 60% of the population. If you are in the 15% of the population who are critical thinkers, be happy, because unlike the 60% we do not require negative motivation, so those future events are not for us, and don't really concern us. One day, this conflict will be over. What will remain, is us. We have to be strong, and we have to have our act together, so that we will be accepted with pleasure into the wider cosmic community that awaits us with open arms. We can control how we react, and this goes a long way when it comes to realizing we are being tested right now, and we are in the biggest test of faith of our lives. We can also control how we act. As of my lunch today, and after talking to Lewis here, I realize that it's possible for us to organize a global, universal mass meditation event, where we can come together and collectively "put a dent" into the connected consciousness. Going forward, this is my great ambition!!

So you see, there is another use for great discussions apart from dialectics and arriving at the truth - there is also the generation of ideas. God Bless Lewis Herms. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a very good man right here, and I am proud to call him my friend.

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