Project 2025 Part 1

9 months ago

Project 2025 Part 1

I’ve run across numerous panicky rants by leftists suffering night terrors over something called Project 2025. All of them speak of the horrors that will be created by Trump if he gets into office and weaponizes the government.

Eisenhower warned us of a weaponized government that could arise from a military industrial complex. In the election between Nixon and Kennedy there was some serious cheating and Nixon rather than push it let it slide for the sake of the country. Eisenhower’s warning was prophetic. The next President after him, JFK, was assassinated. I was nine at the time and took one look at Johnson as he was sworn in and I got a feeling that never went away. He was part of it. The Democrats ever the slavers created all kinds of new toys, welfare where moms get more money if baby daddy is on the lamb and that created a large group of fatherless children and damage to the nuclear family. Next came the soaring crime rates. JFK tried to ratchet back the hostilities between Russia and the US. I covered a lot of this in a video called “We Were Warned 62 Years Ago” (Link below) JFK did a few speeches that began to create a de-escalation one was so good Khrushchev had it broadcast throughout Russia. Martin Luther King became very well known during this time and what he stood for has been erased by the Democrats. He was used by the democrats by the way and here is a trailer that sums it up quite nicely’

As I was pointing out here. I couldn’t stand LBJ. Like Obama, he had the Midas touch but everything either of them touched turned brown and stinky. Next up in the DNC lineup we got Jimmy Carter good old howdy doody! The UN Year of the child which led to all kinds of nasty things like children’s rights and eventually children getting older and trying to sue their parents. He gave away the Panama canal or at least set the time for it. All kinds of problems opened up in the Mideast because he was a weak leader. Iran fell to the radical Islamists. Don’t get me wrong here, the Shaw was a very nasty leader. That place was going to implode eventually. South America was a cesspool of civil war. It was quite the mess. That was why movies like ‘Bananas’ was such a perfect predictor. When Jimmy went to Poland he had a relative as his interpreter and it was a disaster Art Buchwald quoted him sarcastically as having said, “Your women are lovely.” and the interpreter saying “We lust after your women.” When he went to Mexico as a potential source for oil he made a comment about Montezuma’s revenge. A member of his staff commented about the Pope regarding contraception, “He no a Playa the Game he no a make a the rules.” There was a real bad one regarding blacks and their needs. Got that guy in a lot of trouble. Then there was the swamp rabbit attack. It was the final unraveling.

Thankfully that was the end of Carter and we got Reagan and then not so good, we got Bush who foolishly tried to cut deals with the left. Reagan got burned once or twice and quit. Bush 41 was asleep I guess. He was so bad that he like Carter, was a one term president. During the next election we had Bush 41, Ross Perot and Bill Clinton. What a collection of clowns that was. I was floored at the number of people I knew who never trusted the media, but when they parroted Bill Clinton’s fear that Perot might siphon away some of his votes, they decided to believe the media because they liked what had been said. Duh! Right after Clinton got into office Waco was raided by the ATF. The aftermath of that is still ongoing. A massive rift was created by boy wonder Bill. As this was occurring the first World Trade center attack unfurled. Hillary was attempting to start a bus tour pimping her takeover of the medical industry much like what Obama later did. The two other events were a problem for her because they were getting all of the media hype. Vince Foster said “I think I got those people killed.” Before he magically floated through the woods and shot himself in the head and did the unthinkable. No blood anywhere and unlike anybody else that shoots themself like that he didn’t do the involuntary slinging of the pistol. Clearly he was everybit as serious about killing himself as that guy that was working on the clipper chip for the administration and shot himself in the head twice with a revolver. That’s commitment. Because of the events surrounding them constantly, a new word was coined. Arkancide. The EPA ended up with their own SWAT team as did many other agencies. Numerous news flashes erupted with people being raided and harassed. This was the point where the weaponization of the government really took off. It was the Clintons! It was relentless too. Hillary was present and part of the Nixon impeachment and said “Any president that lies to the people should resign or be removed.” She changed her tune when it was her husband. They really did make LBJ look a little bit less nasty. I came to the conclusion that the democrats take a blood oath to make the democrats that went before look not so bad. Why would I say that? Well look at the trajectory and where we are right now. Here’s a great video I found on Twitter. The link to it and the channel will be below. This is about the weaponized Lawfare and Trump.
(Roll Allen Bragg video)

Hillary is still a great subject for Memes.

I’ve got more to come on this subject. There’s a lot to unpack.

Next I’ll explain what Project 2025 is and why!

We Were Warned 62 Years Ago
Here’s the link in twitter

2020 hindsight
This is the Hitler parody video link

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