CCP Vows Necessary Measures Against U.S. Tariff Hike on Electric Vehicles

4 months ago

05/14/2024 WION: U.S. President Joe Biden announced new tariffs on several Chinese imports, including EVs will rise to 100% quadrupling the current 25% rate. Other key tariff hikes include solar cells doubling to 50%, steel and aluminum products tripling to 25%; while tariffs on semiconductors increased to 50%. The CCP warned that the US move would severely affect relations between the two countries, pledging to take resolute measures to defend its own rights and interests.
05/14/2024 世界一体新闻台:美国总统乔·拜登宣布对多项中国进口商品征收新关税,其中对中国电动车将征收四倍关税,从25%提高到100%。其他重要商品的关税涨幅包括:太阳能电池的关税提高至50%,是目前的两倍;对钢铁和铝产品征收三倍关税,从目前的7.5%提高到25%,同时将半导体的关税提高到 50%。中共警告说,美国此举将严重影响两国关系,并誓言采取果断措施捍卫自身权益。

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