Kid Has Adorable Reaction When Caught Singing Justin Bieber In The Bathroom

6 years ago

We know that teenagers love Justin Bieber’s song and many girls have secret infatuation with him. He is one of the most wanted singers, and not only teenagers but also children at the age of eight like his music. Girls and boys alike can’t get enough of listening to his famous songs.

Toilets are those hidden places in our homes for resolving the most philosophical thoughts in the morning. They are also places where we check our Facebook account, read the news, play games, think about our obligations during the day and sometimes even singing. When you play the video, you will instantly realize that what we are talking is actually true. It doesn’t come from an adult but from a kid who obviously adores singing. His favorite singer is Justin Bieber and what can be better than chorusing a melody in such an enclosed space like a toilet. It is a great way to try your singing abilities without getting weird looks from the surroundings. This kid feels an incredible freedom while singing at the top og his lungs without being aware that his mom is filming him.

Sometimes not knowing is a lot better than knowing and this kid wouldn’t sound and look so adorable if he knew that he was filmed. He wouldn’t be that natural and relaxed and his tune wouldn’t sound this uplifting. When his mom aims the camera at him, we witness such an honestly surprised reaction while he gets on rapping on the toilet. When he spots the camera, he lets one shrieky sound signalizing his mom that he doesn’t want his privacy to be intruded on. His mom encourages her child to keep on singing because he is cute. His reaction will certainly steal a smile or two.

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