Untold origins of humanity part 1, the Lyran expansion

9 months ago

The felines being the parent race of the Lyran humans. Since most sentient ET races that still have biological physical forms need the ability to manipulate physical objects in order to develop technologically, most have evolved the same forms we have. That is they have two legs for walking and two hands for object manipulation. In fact, many ET races out there today are humans like us, and this will be the hardest thing for many people to acknowledge. Many races that have evolved to exist in higher dimensions of frequency have been reported to have incredibly low muscle mass and much taller bodies in general. This is because life in those dimensions does not require much physical strength, as thoughts can be strong enough to create portals to other locations or even move objects.
In our Universe, it is common for more advanced races to perform genetic experiments and create newer lifeforms with the essence and genetics they have gathered from their travels. In parallel to Darwinian evolution, this is one of the major methods through which radically different life is created and seeded across the cosmos. These advanced races are generally called ” Seeders” and they often tend to their most promising genetic experiments and help them survive and set up their own civilizations until they can take care of themselves.

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