COVID-19 Shot: an Attack on Humanity

9 months ago

I don't know how anyone with two brain cells left to rub together could look objectively at what's been happening in this broken and aching world since the COVID PSYOP was [publicly] launched on January 1, 2020, and NOT see it for what it really was: a giant psychological warfare (PSYWAR) operation, the magnitude of which is unparalleled in human history. Not only was the COVID-19 PSYOP an ingeniously designed smokescreen for a worldwide political takeover operation by the global elite (the thirteen central banking families and their agents) who have an evil, Malthusian plan for the future of mankind, it's also been the greatest crime that's ever committed against humanity in history, because at its heart, it's been a global depopulation operation as much as it's been a economic-political takeover operation.
Now, after more than 4 years of research by thousands of brave scientists, doctors, lawyers, and other truth-seekers we now know that more than 200 million people have been intentionally murdered by the "investigational" mRNA genetic mutagen containing self-replicating lipid nanoparticles that was cleverly disguised as "vaccines," and then forced upon most of humanity. If that were not bad enough, it's estimated that another 80 million souls [in poor, Third World countries] have perished due to the effects of the criminal overthrow of our civilization, and the lockdown of people who were already living on the edge of survival by the enemies of humanity.
In fact, the evil things that Mao, Stalin, and Hitler did to the millions of people who they slaughtered during the Twentieth-Century pales in comparison to the scope and nature of what these Totalitarians have done, and are still doing, to billions of people right now in the Twenty-first-century.
I can assure you that if you continue going along with this giant, worldwide depopulation/Globalist takeover operation, and don't start helping us push back against the evil things these Globalist demons are currently doing, as we in the Freedom Movement have been for decades now, I can assure that when the truth of what's been happening becomes more widely known, you and those you love will soon be counted among the dead--victims of the New World Order.
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