Stream to help raise funds for Kotaru's medical treatment

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I rescued Kotaru 5 months ago - people threw him away - most likely cause they got him as a pet for their kid and the kid most likely treated it like toy and got bit.

I dont know - I just assume it was sth like that most probably knowing people.

He was left in a small cage near the garbage bin at the residential block I live in (that is how I found him). I have tried my best to take care of him with my limited financial capabilities - but recently he has stopped eating and I noticed how one side of his face has gotten bigger - like it was swollen or sth.

The nearest vet doctor that deals with rodents is over 50 miles away in a big city and I estimated that the cost of getting their and back with Kotaru and the medical bill for the treatment is beyond my capabilities.

I am a low income worker - but my salary would pay my bills and keep me feed till next payday happened. Nowdays with the rise of prices on almost everything - I basicly stopped spending money on anything else then bills and food - and I still end up on "water diet" at the end of the month.

I dont know what to do honestly - I am now feeding him liquids - the doctor on the phone said he couldve cut himself with a seed that had some unusual sharp end or sth like that. Basicly it seems the wound might got infected and there is now a growing abscess inisde his mouth.

I am desperate and I dont know how to do all those gofundme or other crap - I am a simple person and a gamer - its my only hobby that I can afford on my low income.

If anyone would be kind enough to spare even a dollar - it would mean the world to me. I started a donation profile for this purpose at

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