Fire walking

10 months ago

Firewalking is the act of walking barefoot over a bed of hot embers , stones or even lava. It has symbolic meaning for those on the 'three degrees' of the Spiritual Path.

- The first degree is Judgement to prepare and select those who will proceed
- The second degree is Purgatory and thus Rebirth.
- The third degree is Purification for those who survive rebirth

When an initiate on the Spiritual Path was due to experience Rebirth - they were tested to see whether they had learnt what was needed to go through with it. So Fire walking was a test of preparedness, courage and competence, symbolically, spiritually and actually.

The symbolism of Fire walking can be found on our website using this link
The observations provide examples of fire walking in practise, and we have more examples in the playlist.

The playlist contains two examples of the feats of Kuda Bux. This is what Jacques Romano told Dr Berthold Eric Schwartz about Kuda Bux
"I met Kuda Bux in England, and he wanted me to manage him. I remember his giving a demonstration at Oxford when he walked through the fire. Some Oxford students tried it and were so severely burned that they needed extensive treatment.[video 1] Years later, in midtown New York, I watched him walk through a pit, approximately fifteen yards long, and the depth was above his ankles. I could not stand the heat within three feet of the pit. In the middle of the feat he stopped and stepped up on a stone for a second while the press photographers took pictures. [video 2]
Before he did his fire walk, he scrupulously followed a rigid diet. He told me that his fire walk depended on his diet and emotional state of mind. He abstained entirely from meat. If someone dropped some meat into the pit, he knew he would be burned."

Are from various sources, but some show the The "Hi-Wattarai" - a Shintoist ceremony involving walking over hot coals and described in the observation entitled ‘ Rites of the Firewalkers of Japan - W. C. Jameson Reid’
The others show the Fijian Firewalking ceremonies described in Friar Herbert Thurston’s The Physical Phenomenon of Mysticism and the reports of Dr. B. Glanvill Corney

Salvador DALI : Galatea with Spheres
Yayoi Kusama


Devastating Wildfires on the Savannah | The Great Rift: Africa's Wild Heart | BBC Earth
BBC Earth watch?v=A7b1bg6RrK8

Walking Barefoot On Beach Stock Footage| FREE HD-No Copyright| FREE DOWNLOAD
Stock Footage - No copyright Videos watch?v=VtgT7OpDxZo

Walking on fire barefoot
Phani babu watch?v=CwISOatCfLo

Walking on fire with Daily Planet
Discovery Canada watch?v=wODB2B40abk

Exclusive! This is Firewalking Ireland
Firewalking International watch?v=4ZZ-R7-0pKU

Fire Walking Festival Takao Japan
Shiran De Silva watch?v=4Top7ixgE7c

Traditional fire walking in Fiji
ICHCAP watch?v=BHMwYpm2edc

No Copyright Video, Copyright Free, Motion Graphics, Background, Animation, Download watch?v=gnV6mjr611g

Walking on Dunes
Myeisha Namibia watch?v=byzQLYR0Law

Burning Fire with sound effects free to use | no copyright watch?v=GdwhlKKw0Lc


00:00 American Idle - RKVC

00:58 A Ghost Town - Quincas Moreira

04:04 Overcome - Ugonna Onyekwe

05:49 World War Outerspace - Audio Hertz

09:02 Dance of the Fireflies - Nathan Moore

11:11 After Thought - Density & Time

12:27 American Idle - RKVC

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