Christian21 - Resonate with it

9 months ago

Yes, it's about resonating with Christians messages subconciously, thats what he wants us to do. So many describe it in that way when they first hear him. We all have learned so much truth over the years, but now Christian is making an overall sense if it with a much more realistic, plausible, and quantum scientific explanation to what ascension really is, but we were not suppose to know the whole truth until 2yrs ago, Why? Because he was the only one to know, he is the chosen messenger and there was a very big galactic reasons for this. As we resonate, our thought forms spreads to that larger consciousness, the ancient essenes called it the cosmic ocean of thought, where thoughts can reside, or in modern days we can call it the cloud, the storage of information The majority are starting to pick up on theses thought forms in many different ways from that larger conciousness now, almost like downloads wether they know it or not. Can't you all see how everything is ♾️💚♾️

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