THEY KILLED PEOPLE! Combo of Midazolam & Morphine - Dr John Campbell (LINKS IN DESCRIPTION)

8 months ago

scottish covid inquiry highlights 2023-2024

May 14, 2024
Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry

Direct link to all inquiry hearings

Direct link to this witness statement

54. "The care home thought that they should give her a mild sedative to stop her getting up and down so much and help her sleep through the night and keep the cannula in. My mum agreed to that but if she had known what the sedative was she would have said no as she was a retired nurse and, they (care home) should not have asked her anyway as she was not authorised to approve this."

55. "At this point my grandmother was eating and drinking by herself, moving to the toilet herself, that there was only mild symptoms and that they were giving her the nasal oxygen just as a precaution as her stats were a little low but, with the cannula in, she was fine. Her stats had actually improved."

65. "I was provided with a document at a meeting I had with one of the solicitors. The document was the DNR but this had my name written on it. I was shocked as this was the first time I had seen this document and did not even know it existed."
Also from day 15
Direct link to this witness statement

Day 30 of the inquiry
Direct link to transcript for day 30

scottish covid inquiry highlights 2023-2024

Link to "Dave, independent researcher"

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