Settlers cripple trucks carrying aid to Gaza.

4 months ago

Right, so aid trucks being stopped from trying to get through to Gaza are nothing new sadly, they continue to happen, and now that Israel has seized control of the Rafah border crossing and completely cut off aid from getting in that way, aid now having been blocked there for the last 4 days and counting at time of writing, in total violation of the orders handed down to Israel by the ICJ, but Israel do not care about such things, they don’t believe in doing as they are told, the rules of such people do not apply to them and anyone who disagrees is of course an antisemite. Such is their blatant arrogance throughout the last seven months of genocide in Gaza that we’ve borne witness to though, that they have no problem with being filmed in what they are doing, proud to block trucks, sabotage them, cause actual damage in order to stop them, criminal damage and then scatter the aid being brought in to the four winds. No authorities stopping them, adding to the famine breaking out in Gaza.
Right so footage has come out all across social media of settlers having stopped trucks entering the Palestinian Occupied Territories of the West Bank bound for Gaza apparently coming from Jordan. Settlers are apparently now damaging the tyres after blocking the passage of these trucks, stopping them in their tracks so that they can climb on board the back of the loaders and desecrate the aid that is supposed to be being delivered to people driven past the point of famine by their government, who they are supporters of. They are climbing on top of the trucks, throwing the aid off, waving Israeli flags, as they do so, proud of what they are doing and in who’s name and justifying their actions by saying it is all for Hamas, truck after truck after truck, 98 of them apparently stopped up until now when of course it absolutely isn’t we’ve seen the signs of famine, we’ve seen children reduced to skin and bones and the one thing we definitely haven’t seen is bloated Hamas operative moving around looking like Jabba the Hutt because all the food was for them. These disgusting excuses for human beings, these settlers, squatting on lands that are not theirs been filmed stamping all over the boxes dragged off these vehicles and throwing them around, kicking them around, throwing aid as far as they can, they’ve completely emptied the back of the truck in one clip, all the aid scraped off and what I noticed from watching it is you could see what looked like a checkpoint in the background so where were the authorities to stop this then in which case? There’s just no will to do so is there? Just let them do it. Committing a crime, escalating the fallout from genocide, deny people who are not Hamas at all even the most very basic level of aid, simply because of who they are. The depravity on show is just extreme, but then you realise these are clearly all white people, they are in the West Bank after all, therefore these are illegal settlers who shouldn’t even be there and are themselves a symptom of the occupation, doing their part to keep the genocide going.
Israel had recently opened crossings into the southern West Bank from Jordan and via two new crossings at Tarkumiya and Kiryat Arba, aid coming that way can cross to a newly opened Gaza crossing, opened just yesterday in fact, Western Erez, which would get into the north of Gaza, but of course that depends on the aid getting that far and when the trucks aren’t even able to get through the West Bank successfully, without the Zionist squatters as it were interfering, without being stopped and the aid destroyed, that’s a bit of a stretch.
The thing is, what we’ve observed happening in the last few days as I’ve described above, has actually been the third such attack on aid convoys coming from the East via the West Bank, therefore the authorities by now have no excuse not to act on it, deal with these people taking it upon themselves to act like petty vigilantes taking the law into their own hands, but so big and brave that their chosen targets are literally starving death and consist mostly of women and children. Every one of those boxes I see being ripped apart, I know that’s another child who might not have eaten for days, going hungry again. When I see these people gleeful and grinning and waving their flag, I see that as being what they are celebrating, it frankly means I don’t let myself become insulated after all this time to what they are doing.
AL Monitor, a Middle Eastern news outlet that is actually based in the US, said this in it’s coverage of the incident:
‘A total of 98 trucks carrying food and relief supplies were coming from Jordan early on Monday when dozens of settlers blocked their route at the Tarkumiya and Kiryat Arba checkpoints that lie near Israeli settlements in the south of Hebron, Adel Amr — a member of the Shipping Syndicate in Palestine — told the Palestinian Ma’an News Agency.
They damaged the trucks’ tires and vandalized the cargo, throwing the parcels of food on the ground and tearing them apart, according to Amr.
Videos circulating online showed settlers climbing a truck and throwing food supplies, as others waved the Israeli flag.
Similar attacks against aid convoys heading to the Gaza Strip, where the seven-month war continues to rage, have occurred in the past few weeks.
Last Tuesday, dozens of far-right Israelis blocked the roads at the Latrun junction near Jerusalem, preventing aid trucks coming from Jordan from passing through. They also attacked the convoy, damaged their content and dumped the food supplies on the ground.
Israeli police later said six people were arrested in connection with the incident.
Jordan’s Foreign Ministry condemned the attack on its aid convoy that was heading to the Erez crossing with the Gaza Strip in southern Israel. In a statement last Tuesday, Jordanian Foreign Ministry spokesman Sufyan Qudah said the kingdom holds Israel responsible for the attack and considers the Israeli government's failure to prevent such incidents a “violation of its legal obligations.”’
It would be nice if Jordan did something other issue statements frankly, even Egypt at this point have had enough, now joining South Africa against Israel having for months been mediators in negotiations for a ceasefire and a peace deal, but one thing Jordan are doing, that Israel of course no longer are, is let Al Jazeera report on the situation and offer an insight into why this nonsense is being permitted:
So Itamar Ben Gvir, for it is him again, according to Stephanie Dekker there, the poster boy for settlers apparently doing his favourite thing of threatening Netanyahu with collapsing his coalition government if he doesn’t get his way, has demanded the police be allowed to stay out of it when settlers attack the aid trucks, these are his people, his political persuasion, his faction, hard right nutjobs, and just let it happen and very much that seems to be the case as usual. Staying in power is all consuming to Netanyahu which is why none of this can be resolved whilst he remains in power. There’s no desire to sanction or boycott Israel that is being hampered all over the world by politicians in the Israel Lobby’s thrall, so it’s no wonder we look on and we see these things and we still feel so bloody helpless. Although there are records of arrests being made, these do seem tokenistic, certainly aren’t enough to put settlers off carrying on, this the latest of a string of attacks on aid convoys and there’s certainly no obvious police presence in any of the clips I’ve seen.
The people involved here belong to a group calling themselves Tsav-9, who have dedicated themselves to no aid getting into Gaza until the hostages are released. You might want to have words with your Prime Minister about that, Hamas agreed terms which would see hostages released, it was Netanyahu who refused to agree to it in the end. No doubt with Ben Gvir the sort of politician who resonates with them though, they likely wouldn’t believe a word of that if you told them as much. Supposedly there are around 400 of these people consisting of members of the IDF, their families and the families of hostages, if these people are known, why have not been dealt with appropriately? Same reason Israel hasn’t dealt with settlers anywhere else, they’re on their side and don’t fear any real repercussions, but the repercussions are certainly being felt by those in Gaza and the violation of the ICJ orders as these acts amount to, are maddening the rest of us around the world who are still watching this happen, know how preventable it is and with more video footage coming from Egypt, from near the Rafah crossing, where truckload after truckload after truckload of aid that cannot get into Gaza anymore is seen to be sat there rotting and fouling in the desert, the message cannot be ringing in the ears of those in positions of power, to do something because so far what has been done is not enough. Unless Gaza’s borders are forced open and peacekeeping forces deployed to ensure they stay that way, aid isn’t getting in. Israel have had far too long to sort this out, aid isn’t passing through, the UN should be intervening now to force it. People are dying every day that this doesn’t happen.
Netanyahu is cornered, by the worlds condemnation, by the ratbags he’s in power with, by a war he started, that can in no way be considered a proportionate retaliation to the night of October 7th any more, there’s no way out, but he’s looking for one, because if he loses power, he’s done for, so that is now all that matters to him as this video recommendation will explain all about and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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