The Most Heartbreaking National Memorial Day in Israel’s history.. #Israel #Gaza #Palestine #War

9 months ago

Yesterday was the most heartbreaking national Memorial Day in Israel’s history. Every year, in Israel, we take a day to remember the fallen soldiers and victims of terror attacks that occurred over the years. I will never forget the first time I lost a family member to an attack like that. I was 4 at that time.

This year, I could feel the shattered energy all over my body. Thousands of mothers crying to the heavens, trying to understand why their child was the one. Thousands of women, children, elderly, and men who were tortured, raped, killed, and kidnapped. Innocent people who met their gruesome and horrific demise. People who waited, and no one came to save them for more than 8 hours. Thousands of families who have yet to comprehend what has happened to them. Thousands who have become refugees in their own country.

A whole country in anguish. Too traumatized to even realize what has happened to them. Just trying to get by, just trying to survive. Not to mention the subject that is barely being discussed: dozens of people who took their own lives because life became too unbearable to handle.

All thanks to the unresolved events of October 7th and the ongoing war. So many parents and family members have no clue about the whereabouts of their loved ones. Shattered, broken, no escape, nowhere to hide. The government has yet to start a commission of inquiry. Yet to investigate the events, yet to display any kind of justice to its people or give anyone peace of mind.

The country is still at war, missiles still falling, whole cities evacuated, leaving very few behind to live inside a battlefield. Even on the news, the reporter is vague, not telling a mother in grief the entire truth, even though she admits she knows it!

Absolute torture. I can’t even imagine what the families of the victims are going through. Cemeteries were full of conflict, full of anger. Ministers of the Knesset who came to the cemeteries to say a few words were kicked out by aggravated masses. The families know, the public knows, everyone knows by now. It’s becoming more prevalent that there are traitors from within, and they’re all around us.

The energy of pain and anguish was felt throughout my whole body. I could feel their pain, their craving to get answers, the chaos inside our country.

How long till an investigation starts? When will justice be served? How long till the wind of change comes? Will it ever come?

My blood is boiling. It’s boiling because I am currently working on translating this document (A Man’s Sword Against His Brother) into English. I have to tell you, once I publish it, it will blow your mind. It will blow your mind to see how all those instances are still defined as “coincidences.” How people are still accepting the lame excuse of “failure” as an answer to what has happened to our country on that horrid day. Once you see it, you will realize it makes ZERO sense. Once you read it, you will (hopefully) see that there is a much bigger scheme out there acting against us all, innocent civilians, worldwide. This scheme will spare no one. Will leave no one behind.

Our job is to stop them!

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