Saints Row The Third 4 of 4 Playstation 3

9 months ago

00:00 Start
07:28 Viola: A Remote Chance
19:20 Trail Blazing
23:41 Viola: Zombie Attack
39:19 Insurance Fraud
42:38 Angel: 3 Count Beat Down
1:04:08 Snatch
1:10:23 Angel: Murder Brawl XXXl
1:25:36 Tiger Escort
1:38:24 Pierce: Three Way
2:00:45 Need A Hero
2:06:28 Kill Kia
2:09:43 Gangstas In Space
2:24:46 Credits
A zombie outbreak occurs and The Boss helps fight it for Mayor Burt Reynolds,The Boss enters Murderbrawl XXXI and humiliates Killbane by defeating him in physical combat. With his image shattered, Killbane goes on a rampage through Steelport. While working to contain the damage, the Boss is informed that STAG, in an attempt to discredit the Saints, has rigged the Steelport Monument with explosives, leaving several kidnapped Saints, including Shaundi, Viola, and Mayor Burt Reynolds at the site to frame them. At the same time, Killbane is fleeing the country by private flight, the Boss lets Killbane escape in order to disarm the explosives, killing Cyrus's lieutenant Kia in the process. With STAG's crimes exposed, the Saints are hailed by the people of Steelport as heroes. Killbane is subsequently killed while trying to organize an invasion of Earth from Mars, but the whole thing is then revealed to be the final scene from "Gangstas In Space", a film financed by the Saints and starring the Boss.

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