Giles Bourgeois | EP 38 | Aristotle & The Battle of Good vs Evil

9 months ago

Canadian professional engineer living in Italy comes on to discuss what’s going on in Canada through a philosophical lens. Mr. Bourgeois may be the only person who has managed to make philosophy fun again (MPFA). Join us as we discuss how we can trace back the hysteria over issues such as climate alarmism, the trans movement, and even the Kamloops mass grave incident right back to the flawed philosophy of Plato.

You can follow Mr. Bourgeois on X: @GillesnFio

f you would like to learn more about philosophy, check out the free online 50 course primer over at the Ayn Rand Institute

Some other links recommended by Mr. Bourgeois

- How the Pilgrims almost starved to death under communal farming
- An argument in support of secular, objective morality
- An argument in support of reason based on the individual as opposed to reason either through faith or through group consensus
- The lies surrounding climate alarmism (ie. Sophistry)

#aristotle #canadianpolitics #plato

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