Criminal Charges Planned for World Health Organization Leadership

5 months ago

Swiss lawyer Philipp Kruse interviewed on Dutch television about plans for criminal charges to be filed against four World Health officials, namely:
Tedros Ghebreyesus - Director-General
Janet Diaz - Covid-19 Clinical Management Lead
Jeremy Farrar - Chief Scientist
Maria Van Kerkhove - Covid-19 Technical Lead

These people have committed fraud against the people of the world with their "public health response" recommendations, which are about to become enforcements should their planned international legislation be passed. Their own VigiAccess database contains five million reports of adverse events following injection with Covid-19 products, 20% of which fit their own criteria of being "serious". Such databases are known to receive around 5% of all actual adverse events, so the harms are known to be far worse than VigiAccess shows. The World Health Organization make no mention of any harm whatsoever as they charge on with their plans to implement a global biosecurity state upon humanity which amounts to the biggest plundering of land, assets, human rights and human health, in history.

World Council for Health are acting to stop this from happening. Read more here:

VIDEO SOURCE (from 9 minutes):

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