Firing Line: Evolving Science

9 months ago

Not a Serious Option, Fringe Independent on the Back Nine Awaiting Official Announcement

[FOB Freedom, May 14, 2024] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Live from the world’s newest banana republic. . .

In the early 1980s, the son of a sharecropper and former football player at the HBCU, North Carolina A&T had accepted the challenge, keeping hope alive, to go head-to-head in a contest of wits against the Locust Valley Lockjaw moderator for the interview talk show, Firing Line, and, for those who even had bothered to watch the I Am Somebody preacher who had apparently knocked a gay saxophone player out the way to pose for an iconic selfie, holding a slain civil rights leader in his arms on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, you probably were ready to say, Run, Jesse, Run in a few short years, convinced, in provincial pride, or “faith”, that the reverend had won the debate. And now one former army top spy has grabbed his voice modulator yet again to present, in video, for our visual learners, a match up against the most trusted voice in separating fact from fiction during the recently, and abruptly terminated pandemic emergency for the longest respiratory tract infection pandemic in history.

Intriguingly, William F. Buckley, Jr. and Anthony S. Fauci, share some similar characteristics in their early years: both had been born in New York City, if you consider Brooklyn equal to the Upper West Side, and both had gone off to attend a Jesuit high school, even if the tuition free education afforded by the “Kennedy Parish” on the Upper East Side to those in need of financial assistance might be considered comparable to attending a private boarding school in Windsor, U.K. But from there, one went off to another Jesuit school, and the other, born of privilege, went off to Harvard, an elite Ivy League college so far out of reach even for pupils in the second best public schools in Virginia, and the most educated municipality in the entire state. And one resident for whom Harvard was a serious option weighs in.

“Well, Howard, now, I’m not a parent, and never have been, like this effort I began in the courts and now on the campaign trail, might I say, entirely alone, to address the adverse outcomes derived from a premature and imprudent decision to close our free, secular Sunday Schools, where parents are more concerned about where Johnny Who Prefers to Be Jane goes to the restroom over college, but did you notice that folks like Don Beyer and Tim Kaine, the most popular choice for voters in VA8, all had attended Jesuit high schools, while they want to keep your kid in public schools and blow smoke up your bunghole and tell you they are great? Look at all of the elected leaders in diverse and inclusive Arlington, and do you see any graduates of an HBCU or a community college. And NAACP, who don’t even send members to run for school board are still wondering why we are still striving to eliminate the achievement gap. Well, like the origins of this virus, I fear, we, plural of ‘I’, may never no. No further comment,” remarked Major Mike Webb.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE!

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