GA Corruption Continues - Don’t Vote For Jason Thompson

7 months ago

The Corruption in GA is enormous.
It is BKP’s opinion that Josh McKoon has participated in a lot of evil. Why would he allow this blow up within the party? What is in it for him? It is a corrupt deal. Maybe this affects his future. Maybe there is some dark money. He has lied. He went around the convention with a no voting machines sticker. Are You Getting All this? He has misled you on everything he has done. He creates an enemy’s list. He will go after anyone that goes against him. He told people that he wanted paper ballots, he wanted to correct the corporate structure of the GOP. McKoon works for Brian Kemp in a roundabout way. He has told BKP that he will not do anything to upset his relationship with Brian Kemp. He put everyone on the record on who voted for BKP so he could add to his enemy’s list. It is CYA time. BKP was never given the option how the meeting would proceed. Travis Bowden went to college republicans and released the names of the people who voted to keep BKP and called for public shaming.
Jason Thompson is the intimidator. Jason said no to the video. He is the state committeeman. He wants you to trust him but he doesn’t want you to hear what he says. There are not a lot of these events across the state it was for the delegates to see across the state. He would not participate if BKP videoed the event. He did not take the questions from the floor. He went to a GRA meeting and it didn’t go well.
Ginger and Jason will not be attending the Zoom meeting. They lied last night when they said there would be a recorded zoom call on Tuesday. They didn’t want to be filmed on Monday night because it would be recorded on Tuesday.
Jason Fraizer took questions from the audience. He is a nice guy.
The guy they really don’t like is David Cross. David Cross is still the 2nd Vice Chair until further notice, until they find a way to get him off. He does have to resign as 2nd Vice Chair if he gets elected. They are in fear if he gets close to Lara Trump. He has spent thousands of hours exposing the fraud and corruption in our election systems. BKP supports David Cross.
At 5:40 yesterday, someone paid for the text blast. Who paid for this? Why is this volunteer position so important that they have to discredit someone. This came from the Georgia Examiner who has posted thousands of false fake statements. The corruption within the state committee led by Josh. The state of GA requested $25K from each candidate to be on the ballot. The GA primary had not taken place yet. There was a resolution on the floor before the primary to endorse Donald Trump. 11 candidates gave $25K. A lot of discussion. There was $25K that was taken from all these candidates and this was before the primary and what would the GA GOP do if they endorsed Trump before the primary when they took $25K from each of the candidates. The vote was taken. Then after the vote someone ran up to the screen to take a picture. The vote was to be sealed. No shaming. Then the transparency discussion came up. The State committee voted to seal the vote. Did Kandiss Taylor release this vote, the sealed vote, and would Josh McKoon ask for her resignation?
Why is Kandiss Taylor trying to take David Cross down and why is she upholding Jason Thompson?
David Cross scares the hell out of them and we want to put him in the room.

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