Kardashian talks about Vision Boards

8 months ago

Do you believe in vision boards? I think a cool way to create a vision board is on an app where you can put a whole bunch of different pictures in a collage and then use that as your wallpaper for the lock screen. That way, you can see it daily as a reminder of your goals or your vision. I’ve heard a lot of success stories about people making a vision board and then, years later, looking back at it after they put it away in the closet, garage, or storage, and many of the things they put on the vision board actually materialized into reality. I guess if you’re going to have desires in life, you might as well have some sense of focus. That way, you’re not desiring everything. I think this is a good workshop session you can have with your kids, your partner, or yourself. It took me a while to do one. I put it off and said, ‘You know what, I don’t need to do it. How do you know what I want, how I want things?’ But it is kind of cool putting it down on paper. I think there’s a saying that goes, ‘When you write something out, you cast a spell.’ So, spell it out well; in this case, you’re putting it out there to make it happen.

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