Pro Athletes on Mindset

8 months ago

On Saturday night, my buddy and I were in a major car crash. It was brutal, like never before. Amidst the chaos, disillusionment, and pain, all I could do was talk to myself in a positive way, focus on my breathing, and pray while giving thanks. Ronaldo talks about the mindset of being the best and thinking of himself as the best. The same goes for having a positive mindset. Ultimately, we cannot have positives without negatives, but I would much rather have more positive thoughts flooding in, or at least equal thoughts to outweigh each other and create balance and harmony within the mind.

#mindset #positivethinking #cristianoronaldo #gratitude #thankfulness #blessed #selflove #selfcare #thinkandgrowrich #athletes #entrepreneurs #artist #wellness #healthiswealth #wealthishealth

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