A4C Calgary Leaders at City Hall Opposing Rezoning, Blanket Densification, 15-Minute Cities

9 months ago

The City Council of Calgary is hosting public hearings on Calgary's Housing Strategy 2024-2030 - Land Use Amendment Citywide, LOC2024-0017, and Land Use Bylaw Amendments, CPC2024-0213.

This Amendment seeks to blanket "upzone" all neighbourhoods to include multi-unit built forms with mixed commercial/residential structures in formerly single residential communities which by-passes the historical process of local area planning and input; effectively denying the public voice in favour of large developers with no vested interest in the community except to profit.

The Calgary City Council received a Federal Government "incentive" to push the agenda. Calgarians largely do not support this and have turned out in record numbers to speak at the longest running public hearing Calgary has ever seen.
A4C leaders stepped up to oppose the blanket rezoning and to draw attention to the Globalist "pack 'em and stack 'em" agenda which seeks to densify the population into 15 Minute Cities to facilitate their efforts to monitor and control everyone and everything. https://action4canada.com/smart-cities-leaflet/

Here are links to three pages that this delegation is about - 15-Minute Cities. https://action4canada.com/15-minute-cities/, https://action4canada.com/business-resources/, https://action4canada.com/govt-corruption/

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