Copyright and a Warning to Those with international Ministries ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

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Copyright and a Warning to Those with international Ministries

April 19, 2018 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “A word of warning to you… Those who have built up edifices and international ministries based purely on their love for their brother — I will take.

“Those who have built up edifices and international ministries based on the dollar and their fame — will be left behind. Many in that day will say to Me… ‘But I prophesied in Your Name, Lord! I healed the sick, I cleansed the leper!’ And I will answer them… ‘Depart from Me you evil doers. I do not know you.’

“Why? Because they were serving themselves and making empires out of their ministries. And yes, they oppressed the smaller ministries who tried to take their words and share them around the world. Even as you have experienced lately, Clare. Do you understand, this is an abomination to Me?””

(Clare) What He’s talking about here is that a very prominent ministry, who I had lifted a section of video from one of their video presentations. And I had put it on my Channel – of course, crediting them. When they found it, they gave me a ‘strike’ against my Channel. And strikes are serious. You get three of them and you’re banned from YouTube. Period. So, yeah – I would have expected this from a Satanist… But from a minister? I was really devastated. I don’t mind telling you, it hurt me bad. I walked around for two days with a hole in my gut. I just couldn’t believe a minister could do that to another ministry. Of course, the video came down. The Lord goes into this at greater depth here.

(Jesus) “You were given a strike on YouTube by one of these ministries that could have endangered all your videos on YouTube. And why? Because you did not get their permission to share My words. This is a travesty.

“When I anoint a minister, ‘his’ words are no longer his; they belong to My Holy Spirit. This is Simony — selling the anointing — and it is detestable to Me. These men and women do not need an income from My words. They are already quite wealthy from donations. Why do they want to control My words to them? Are they not Mine to be shared without cost or restriction? But they are blinded by the God of this world, money, and corporate procedures — which are fine for Caesar’s palace, but an abomination in the House of God. They are Temples of the Living God.

“Oh, Clare, so much will be exposed at the Rapture, when these massive ministries are left behind in weeping and gnashing of teeth. Because they did not do My will; they harnessed My word for filthy lucre. It will indeed be a sad day when their shame is exposed.

“I love everyone one of them dearly, but when they are ruthlessly persecuting My little ministers who hear and recognize My voice in their messages, and want to pass that on to their little circle, and even take legal action against them? Then My Heart is grieved! They are blind and do not see what they are doing. Oh, pray that their blindness will be healed and they will see, and understand and repent, before it is too late for them.

“What shall I say to the members of their ministries left behind? What shall I say? ‘You have been ministers of the dollar, not of the Word. Freely I gave; freely you were to give. But you did not. In your greed, you withheld My words from the little ones who could do you no harm and do Me only good. Great good by repeating what was imparted from Heaven.

“It will be a very sad day for the angels in Heaven at that time, because they ministered in your services and conferences, and so many you touched will be with Me because they were not corrupted by your practice.

“Yes, your teachings were fine. But the way you lived your lives — oppressing others and controlling the words inspired by Me — that was an abomination not to be taught to anyone. And you may thank Me that so few knew of your sin. Otherwise they, too, would have followed your example. That indeed is what I will say to them in the secret place when they come to be with Me.

(Clare) Uh oh! I said… ‘Oh Lord, I need to change the copyright information on all my books. They put standard copyrights in them and I thought I had told everyone putting books together that they were to be free to copy or distribute at no charge without my permission. I don’t know how that happened.’ And that’s basically it. You’re welcome to use my music, my writings, my teachings – anything the Lord has given me to share with you. Freely. You can use it, freely. Just don’t charge money for it. That’s my only stipulation. You can copy it, reproduce it, store it and do whatever you want.

(Jesus) “This is something you need to address in the future, Clare. You must be very careful. Though you have publicly stated that and put free downloads on your website, you still need to explicitly say that they are free to use without charging any money or obtaining your permission. You see, they already have My permission to copy what I have given you. What you have shared stopped belonging to you when you gave your life to Me. Now all that you do is free to the whole world, because it came from My Heart going to their heart. Please see to it that it is corrected.”

(Clare) I will, Lord. I’m so sorry.

(Jesus) “Well, I did not wish to beat anyone here. But I wanted to call your attention to a worldly practice that hurts others. Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no silver, come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without silver and without price.” (That is Isaiah 55:1)

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