Article 4813 Video - Hotbed Alert - Monday, May 13, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4813 Video - Hotbed Alert - Monday, May 13, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We have information indicating a high -- very high -- concentration of
irregular air traffic in the vicinity of Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin,
Houston, and Galveston, Texas. And similar swarms at Anchorage
International and Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.

This air traffic is specially identified commercial and military
traffic of the kind associated with major mercenary force attacks used
in CIA-style "change of government" operations in foreign countries.

This time, it's potentially aimed at us. The carrot is attacking the
stick and it's a flurry of wood shavings and carrot juice for the

The maps are lit up like Christmas trees and show this air traffic
pattern with many, many flight designators of this kind all
concentrating on these destinations: Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin,
Houston, and Galveston, Anchorage International and Joint Base

This all appears to be further connected to multiple shell
corporations that have "employed" thousands of non-existent Americans
--- British Territorial Corporation franchises and Municipal
Corporations named after us and used for money laundering purposes.

Put bluntly, all those thousands of salary and benefit packages, all
those shareholder dividends and stock options "you" were owed, but
never received, went somewhere.

So did all the drug money and payola rolling off the human
trafficking, gambling, organ harvesting, adrenochrome, and other

There were also millions of illegal fraudulent land grabs.

Remember that I told you that you were all set up to (purportedly) be
"Grantors" of your land and property interests to the Queen, which
"converted" your private property into public trust property and "real
estate" --- meaning "royal" estate property? Proof attached.

Remember I told you how they used "shelf corporations"--- basically
empty made-up paperwork that sat on a shelf (or in a computer center)
in Puerto Rico and never actually represented a real business --- to
offshore your assets and evade taxes?

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