Exodus, Part 22

9 months ago

God is always faithful and keeps His promises. As we see in Exodus chapters 33 & 34, God upholds the unilateral agreement with the patriarchs within the Abrahamic covenant, even though Israel breaks the bilateral agreement just given to them. Join us as Amy teaches us through Scripture how Moses becomes an intercessor for Israel. How can you apply Moses's appeal to God to your prayer life? Do you pray like you know Him? Do you understand why man cannot go in front of God without atonement of sin? God is the righteous judge. When Moses descended from the mountain, his face radiated glory and shone because he saw the glory of the Lord. How did Moses's veiling of his face create a beautiful picture of the old and the new covenant? How does Jesus lift the veil of our hearts? Are you shining the light and the glory of God?

This is a verse-by-verse Bible study, allowing deep understanding and context of God's Word. This audio-only recording was adapted from a live Zoom meeting that originally took place on 05/05/24.

Amy offers online Biblical Christian counseling. For more information, visit her website at www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com or email her at amy@biblicalguidancecounseling.com

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