Sightseeing UFOs

9 months ago

The Sightings keep increasing… they’re making themselves closer and more visible every day🛸✨🛸✨🛸

Very cool and interesting, the ships in the pics, made out of stone, which are at the end of the video…

If anyone has more info about them, pls share in the comments…🙏🏻✨

Ps. If you’re one of those flat brainers that fell for the bluebeam psyop, maybe it’s time to open your eyes and start listening to your heart…

The cabal has lost that card to play as well…

The Earth is Surrounded and Quarantined by the Galactic Federation and they will NOT allow any false flag about them and neither any nuclear attempt will be allowed as well, because it doesn’t effect just us, but it effects also Them…

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