UpDate on the Francis Scot Key Bridge Attack.You Will Not Believe This!! What the Heck?

8 months ago

The crew has been trapped on the crashed ship this whole time! That can't be healthy for them. That is very fishy. And the FBI took away all the crew's cell phones? Trapped on a crashed ship for weeks without their cell phones? Can you imagine? That ship is damaged. It can not be safe. The crew is demanding their phones be returned!!! Amost two months trapped! Like a prison, as they blow the rest of the bridge up? What? What don't they want those crew members to say? They are witnesses to an terrorist attack.

They were going to blow up the rest of the bridge but bad weather stopped it. 6 people were killed.
The whole operation has been in secret. Not okay. Body camera ... The guy complared it to 911 saying : "It's like something is missing in the skyline". See? It is like 911. It took 20 days for any investigation to get started and there has been no reporters let onboard, no information given out. Fishy? Totally!! The NTSB took days to get on board too.

He said the Freedom of Information Act information act information said that Biden's admin did admit it WAS a CYBER attack.

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