PANIC in CD1 - Recap from Wendy Phillips Removal for Supporting Otter Tail BPOU Convention

9 months ago

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Whereas 2023 MN Statute 200.02, Subd 7 requires the MNGOP to comply with MN Statutes 202A.12 and 202A.13 and the Party’s Constitution and Rules and to truthfully certify that compliance under penalty of perjury or automatically lose major party Status; and

Whereas Article VIII, Section 2 of the MNGOP Constitution requires every BPOU hold an annual convention at the call of the State Executive Committee, the State Central Committee, the Congressional District committee or the BPOU committee; and

Whereas the State Executive Committee and the Congressional District 7 Committee jeopardized the MNGOP’s major party Status by refusing to call the Otter Tail County BPOU Convention; and
Whereas the Otter Tail County BPOU Committee did call the BPOU Convention, thereby protecting the MNGOP from the loss of major party status; and

Whereas Article XVI, Section 6 of the MNGOP Constitution requires all State Party Executive Committee members to act in the best interests of the Party; and

Whereas Wendy Phillips is a member of the State Party Executive Committee who acted in the best interests of the MNGOP when she agreed to serve as Chair of the Otter Tail County BPOU Convention, ensured the BPOU convention complied with all Party rules and protected the MNGOP from the loss of major party status,

We condemn all actions of the CD1 Executive Board related to the removal of Wendy Phillips from Party Leadership and offer Wendy Phillips our full support and thanks for defending and protecting the MNGOP and its members.

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